
This page will be updated regularly with Notices of Interest to Members as well as a Calendar of Events.

Orchard Restoration/Adopt a Tree Project Updates

Our work in the orchards at the FI is almost complete for this spring and the Vendors Orchard trees have all been adopted!  Several of the trees in the Caretaker’s Orchard now have helpers and a crew has been working steadily to bring the remaining trees down in size to a more manageable state.  Many thanks to Ross McLeod and his enthusiasm for this project.  Now we wait to see what happens next!

Our apologies for not getting to the second seminar on starting a new orchard.  Time got away from us with other commitments, but we have not forgotten and hope to put it on as part of the fall agenda at the Institute.

When you are next on the grounds, take a wander and check out the progress – the trees are just coming into bloom.

FOTFI = Friends of the Farmers’ Institute

Several members of the Farmers’ Institute took part in the Volunteer Fair earlier in April and it was great to see lots of people out, checking into where they could put their names down to volunteer.  Thank you to those who signed up with “FOTFI” and the Tuesday Volunteers!  More volunteers are always appreciated, and you can send us an email to be put on our list for the future.  We hope to hold several work bees over the summer to prep the grounds and outbuildings for the Fall Fair, and of course we need a small army to make the Fair happen come September!  Reach out to  (for Fall Fair volunteers) or (Farmers’ Institute volunteers) and we’ll get back to you!


New things are stirring for the 2024 Fall Fair!  A new program will be introduced this summer that will allow you to enter your exhibits and pay for them, online!  We will still have our white entry boxes at Foxglove Farm and Garden, the Island Savings Credit Union, and in the Tourist Info booth in town to keep the traditional entry system alive.  Vendors and Volunteers will also be able to sign up easily with this new system.  Watch for the “we are live!” announcement around the end of June.

Can you help? The Fall Fair is looking for…

1 – Our much-loved Zucchini Shack is disintegrating!  To replace it, we need lumber, screws, plywood, roofing . . . you get the picture!  If you have anything that might be useful or a few extra dollars to help keep this tradition alive, please contact as every little bit helps! 

2 – The Livestock Barn, a favourite place to visit at the Fall Fair, is in need of all new sawdust for the floor.  This is a 40’ x 80’ building, so you can imagine how much is needed to cover to a decent depth for the animals.  We are looking for a local source or sources of mostly fir or deciduous sawdust, (not cedar due to allergies) that could be had for free or a decent price.

3 – Bales of straw or hay are needed for September.  We are looking for about 50 – 60 bales of older straw or hay, to create seating for better viewing of the Zucchini Races – so long as the bales are still securely tied, they will be useable.  10 – 12 bales of newer straw or hay are also needed for bedding for the animals that come in for us all to see at the Fair.  We know it is early to be thinking about bales, but please keep us in mind if you have old bales taking up room that will be needed for this years crop!  Pick up can be arranged.

Fall Fair on Instagram

Farmers’ Institute Volunteers Needed

Calendar of Events